
Sistemic psychotherapy
Psychotherapy is a technique promoting psychological well-being through speech, conducted by a trained professional, certified in one of the validated and scientific methods.
It’s implies a work on oneself, which means an investment and an engagement from the person consulting as well as from the therapist. It is a dynamic and evolutive process demanding courage, that of confronting oneself to identify the sources of one’s suffering and introducing a change to a well known therefore reassuring lifestyle, yet a cause of dissatisfaction. The aim is to eliminate or at least alleviate the incapacitating symptoms, therefore questioning the lifestyle. It implies being open to other ways of perceiving reality and later process to a profound and long-term adaptation of the functioning.
Psychotherapy consists in a co-construct during which the patient and therapist adjust to each other and collaborate towards a common goal of freeing the patient from his dysfunctions. Long term, this method aims for the patients’ autonomy so they can face the future crisis up on their own with the new tools acquired during therapy.
It’s is therefore aimed at any person willing to question him or herself in order to achieve a better quality of life and tame suffering.
As soon as the negative consequences of the issues, the suffering or the psychiatric illness aren’t bearable anymore and that one feels ready to share and shake his/her own functioning up.
For instance, when we say :
“My parents are always on my back and do not respect my choice”
“Since I became a mother, family dynamics seem shoved and I can not find my balance”
“We no longer know what to do with our child, we have tried everything but we lost the link, we no longer understand each other “
“Too often I have the feeling of being the parent of my parents, it’s heavy, I ‘m tired “
“I always fall on the same type of unhealthy and harmful partners, I can’t stand it anymore “
“We yell at each other all the time without being able to leave, it is exhausting, it’s time to take stock “
“I always feel that this is the others’ fault and I do not know how to see it differently”
“Too much pressure : how to be a good mother present and attentive , wife available, a competent and recognized professional ? I’m lost “
“How to make my coming-out without losing my family and friends? “
” I am consumed with a secret I do not know who to talk to”
“I would like to live my faith freely but in the current socio -political context, I do not dare take my choice”
“How to find my place in this society without denying my culture neither be despised by my neighbours ?”
“I lost a close relative without whom it seems insurmountable to live, I am inconsolable and upset”
“When I have a stressful event , I have the feeling of being completely overwhelmed “
“I can not sleep, I have ideas that turn buckle and I ruminate the same concerns tirelessly “
” I was attacked, since, I do not feel safe anywhere and I have flash backs as soon as I close my eyes ‘
” I’m at a turning point in my career but I ‘m not sure of the direction to take “
“I really feel that my boss wants my skin, he’ll end up having it, I’m at the end “
” I ‘m on a mission abroad to my NGO and it is not easy to absorb everything that is happening around me, I feel the need to share a piece of this suffering to which I am exposed “
” I realize that I drink a little more than I would like to but I don’t control “
” Smoke a joint from time to time with peers why not, but now it takes on proportions that are beyond me, I can’t even sleep anymore without “
” I do not succeed in school and I feel that it is not only a matter of will “
” I do not know how to set limits to my classmates who make fun of me every day”
“My child is ostracized by his classmates , what to do? “
” I want to change but I do not know where to start “
” I lack confidence in myself and that playing tricks on me every day “
For whom?
Therapy is aimed at any person willing to introspect in order to understand the origins of his/her suffering, looking for help to modify his/her perceived perspective and adapt his/ her functioning.
By whom?
By a psychologist psychotherapist certified FSP or ASP (costs partially supported by complementary insurances depending on coverage conditions). By a doctor, psychiatrist and psychotherapist certified FMH (covered by LAMAL base insurance to 90% of costs, excl. excess).
Under certain conditions, psychologists can team with a psychiatrist in order to practice delegated psychotherapy so the treatment is covered by LAMAL up to 90%.
The psychotherapist helps the patients identify and then enhance their personal and social skills in order to help them develop their autonomy and re-establish their trust towards their resources. The patients increase their resilience by reinforcing their adaptation and the psychological resistance to cope with the crisis situations and negative contexts. Several techniques corresponding to several theoretical currents exists and their efficiency depends on the type of suffering. Notwithstanding, rather than the method, the therapeutic relationship is the decisive ingredient for therapeutic success. It’s is therefore essential that the patient chooses a trustworthy psychotherapist with whom he or she feels comfortable. One should not hesitate to consult several psychotherapists in order to find one with whom it is possible to imagine going through a demanding and sometimes overwhelming process. Other techniques may supplements the therapeutic process and in any case, the psychotherapist will adapt his/her expertise and speech to the individual problem in order to create adapted and specific solutions with and for the patient.

Although Hypnos is the god of sleep, against the commonsense notion, hypnosis is not related to a sleep phase.
On the contrary it’s a natural and spontaneous waking state with increased concentration, hypervigilance that’s allows better collaboration between the conscious and unconscious to let unsuspected resources emerge. In reality, everyone does hypnosis spontaneously every day in order to regenerate the brain.
Hypnotherapy is used against divers ailments like stress, insomnia, phobias, allergies, migraines, tobacco use, addictions, various chronic pain, bulimia nervosa, psychosomatic disorders. It’s also used to prepare for a surgery, an exam, a childbirth, a sporting event as well as traumas and grieving.
It is a technique that is practiced alone or in conjunction with psychotherapy , depending on the problem and what the therapist recommends.
For whom?
Do hypnosis voluntarily in response to a specific target points of an apprenticeship, a progressive experimentation of logging with oneself.
Therefore, assuming that we can all learn, we’re all hypnotizable.
The only restrictions might concern patients with a personality structure too dissociated or acute psychosis.
It is known that in psychotherapy, a change is only efficient and durable as long as there is a synchrony between the body, the intellect and the effects.
Sometimes the conscious and rational part of our brain suppresses overemotional contents posing a threat to the steady- state one has created. This steady-state although sometimes unsatisfying is often reassuring because well known. The idea behind hypnosis is to create a bridge between the two cerebral hemispheres so as to stimulate the intuitive parts and promote healing through the uncovering of creative resources bypassed by intellectualization.
- my practice
- about me
- some useful links
Myriam Aïssaoui
Psychologist specialized into psychotherapy FSP
Hypnotherapist Shyps
- Children, adolescents, adults, couples & families (systemic orientation)
- French – English
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- name, surname, phone number
- when it’s best to get back to you
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